A resident referred to as a “trash house” in Los Angeles is apparently drawing a lot of attention for the wrong reasons. The “eyesore,” which is located within an affluent neighborhood known as the “Fairfax District,” has also become a public safety hazard due to the large amount of trash gathered outside of it.
Piles Of Trash Noticed In Front And Back Yards Of The Home
Aerial footage shown by local news stations in the area confirm that there are large bags of trash piled up in the front and back yards of the home in question. Most of the trash is reportedly placed within white trash bags.

The clutter reportedly envelops a car that is parked in the driveway on the property as well. In addition, the trash bags fully block the front entrance to the home.
Local Resident Describes The Extent, Location Of Trash Outside Of Property
Miriam Kosberg, a local resident, explained the situation in detail to the Los Angeles Times. Kosberg confirmed that the garbage goes “all the way up to the back fence.”

She also described the house as “a fire hazard” and “filthy.” Kosberg’s family has reportedly owned the property that is directly behind the “trash house” since 1955.
Trash Piles Reportedly Measure Up To Five Feet High In Certain Areas
Fox 11 News reports that there are hundreds of trash bags spread throughout the property. Most of them are stacked in piles that fill the front and back yards of the home.

According to the report, in certain areas of the property, the trash bag piles measure up to five feet in height.
Empty Plastic Bottles And Buckets Surround The ‘Trash Home’
Another highlight of the “trash house” in Los Angeles is the vast number of plastic products throughout the property. There is a high number of empty plastic bottles that surround the house.

There are also multiple mounds of plastic buckets seen throughout the property as well. The extent of the clutter and trash was captured on camera by the FOX 11 Los Angeles news station.
Old Downspout Transformed Into Makeshift Mailbox Area
According to the Los Angeles Times, there has even been a makeshift mailbox area created for mail carriers. An old downspout on the property has been transformed into a sign that is specifically addressed to mail carriers.

The report claims that the sign has handwritten instructions addressed to mail carriers and handlers that simply says, “Deposit U.S. mail here.” The sign also includes an arrow pointing towards a bucket on the ground.
One Man Refers To The ‘Trash House’ As a Fire Hazard, Says ‘We’re All Affected’
One man, who was likely a local neighbor, referred to the Los Angeles “trash house” as a “fire hazard.” He specifically referred to all the trash and clutter that surrounded the property with his follow-up remarks about the condition of the home.

He said that “if anything ever lights up in there, it’s like everybody’s kind of part of it.” He added that “we’re all affected.”
Neighbors Complain About The Unbearable Smell Coming From ‘Trash House’
The “trash house” is reportedly surrounded by multi-million dollar homes near Melrose and Martel Avenues. The neighbors apparently are complaining about a lot more than just the flammability of the property and the lack of visual appeal.

Multiple reports have highlighted the smell of the “trash house” as well. The neighbors have reportedly complained that the smell coming from the property is unbearable.
Neighbors Claim They Can Hear Rats Running Around The Trash
In addition to the flammable clutter and unbearable smell, there are apparently rodents that have also made the “trash house” their own home. Some of the neighbors claim that they are able to hear rats running throughout the trash and clutter outside of the home.

If there is a rat problem, it can quickly escalate into an infestation if not addressed and resolved with a sense of urgency. One report shows that a female rate is capable of giving birth to six litters annually with each litter consisting of 12 rats.
‘Trash House’ Owners Reportedly Stuff Shopping Cart With Trash
The owners of the “trash house” apparently collect the trash and bring it back home with them. The neighbors claim that they have seen the process unfold firsthand.

According to the neighbors, the owners walk around collecting the trash inside of a shopping cart. Once the cart is stuffed, they take the trash back to their home and dump it there.
Public Records Confirm ‘Trash House’ Owner Has Owned It For Decades
Public records were obtained by the newspaper state to pull more details about the Los Angeles “trash house” and its owner. The homeowner on record is “Raymond Gaon,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

Gaon reportedly declined the invitation to make a comment or give an interview. Multiple reports confirm that Gaon has owned the two-bedroom house since the mid-1990s.
‘Trash House’ Issue Started Years Ago, Has Worsened Over Time
Neighbors confirm that action was taken years ago to rectify the situation. The objective was to encourage the homeowner to clean up the property.

He was reportedly issued a fine for the condition of his property as well. However, the situation has not been resolved yet. On the contrary, the situation has only gotten worse with time.
Property Was Reportedly Cleaned And Cleared ‘About Eight Years Ago’
The neighbors do remember a time when the property was cleared and cleaned up, though. According to Fox 11 News, the property owners were fined “about eight years ago.”

As a result of the fine, it was noticed that the property was subsequently cleaned. However, it did not take very long before the trash started to accumulate again after that cleanup period.
Local Resident Told News Station ‘It’s Kind Of Disgusting’ Compared To Other Homes
A local resident opened up about the “trash house” in an interview with ABC 7 News. The resident stated that the trash and clutter issue have “been accumulating slowly.”

According to the resident, there is not very much visual appeal at all – especially when you consider the rest of the neighborhood. The resident claimed that the “trash house” is “kind of disgusting compared to everything else in the area.”
City Officials May Handle Cleanup Themselves And Charge Homeowner
City officials discussed the situation with FOX 11 News as well. They confirmed that they are aware of the situation and have started to weigh the applicable options.

One reported option is that the city officials may take care of the cleanup of the property themselves. In that scenario, they would then charge the “trash house” owner for the services rendered.