Being isolated during the pandemic has given many of us a renewed appreciation for the simple things in life, like going to a party at a friend’s house, laid-back living room get-togethers to have game nights, and potluck dinners. However, this newfound freedom doesn’t mean you have free rein to do whatever you want in someone else’s home, and sometimes it can be easy for people to get too comfortable. Let’s look into 11 of the rudest things you can do as a guest in someone else’s home.

Staying Too Long

Save yourself and everyone else the embarrassment, and know when it’s time to leave. One of the main things hosts complain about is people tend to overstay their welcome.

Source: Linkedin

You may still be enjoying yourself, the conversation, and that last little nightcap, but pay attention to what the host is suggesting through their body language. They might be trying to politely tell you that you are welcome to continue the party, but you need to do so somewhere else.

Rearranging Things

When someone respectfully says ‘Make yourself at home,’ they typically don’t mean this in the literal sense.

Source: Unsplash/CHUTTERSNAP

Don’t be the guest that gets too comfortable too fast, putting your feet up on the furniture, getting things out of the fridge without asking first, or moving table arrangements around. Unless you are instructed to do so by the host, just don’t touch or move things around.

Concealing A Mess

Unfortunately accidents happen, even when you are visiting someone else’s house. You may knock a vase over and break it, or accidentally spill your glass of wine on the couch.

Source: Unsplash/No Revisions

These things happen, but don’t try to hide it. If you break something or make a mess kindly inform your host, apologize and offer to help with the clean up.

Anticipating A House Tour

Don’t walk into someone’s home expecting a house tour, wait until the host invites to show you around. Just because someone invites people over doesn’t necessarily mean they are comfortable showing every area of their home. It’s best to wait and follow the hosts lead.

Source: Adobe Stock

If your host never offers, don’t presume this means you can take it upon yourself to show yourself around. Bottom line, don’t take a tour unless the host is the one guiding it.

Bringing Uninvited Guest

It isn’t for you to decide who is and isn’t invited to someone else’s gathering, so don’t take it upon yourself to bring an uninvited plus-one. You may think the host won’t mind because they know your sister, or think one more wont hurt. But you may end up really offending the host.

Source: Law With Subtitles

It is impolite to extend an invitation without permission. Just err on the side of caution and ask before you make the decision to bring a plus-one (or plus five). Even if it is an informal gathering ,respectfully give the host a call or shoot them a text and confirm that it is ok first.

Don’t Feed The Dog

Keep in mind that many animals, especially dogs, have dietary restrictions and allergies. Do not share your plate with the furry house occupant.

Source: Unsplash/Marvin Meyer

Ask the host whether or not they are ok with you giving little Fido a treat from your appetizer plate. You don’t want to be responsible for making their pet sick and potentially incurring a large veterinary bill.

Don’t Snoop

It is natural to be curious, even about what someone may have in their medicine cabinets, but try to refrain from snooping around the private areas of someone’s home.

Source: Glamour

Some hosts go so far as to put glass marbles in their medicine cabinets so they can catch nosey guests in the act. The marbles will let loose when you open the door and clink and clank all over the bathroom, creating an embarrassing scene for you and the other guest. Contain your snoopiness and refrain from looking around things that aren’t your business.

Shoe Rules

People tend to be very particular about whether or not they want people to leave on or take their shoes off before entering their homes. Listen to what your hosts prefers, and follow that. It is completely understandable why many people don’t want guests tracking dirt and germs from the bottoms of their shoes all over their houses.

Source: Facebook/Stuart Pro Heating and Air

Moral of the story, come to the home already prepared to have to take your shoes off if asked. Bring a pair of slippers or socks in your bag if you aren’t comfortable being barefoot. Equally, hosts that have the expectation of no shoes in their homes should give socks or slippers to their guests, just in case. Hosts also need to be prepared for the possibility that some of their guests may decline taking their shoes off, especially those that are wearing the perfect set of heels for their outfit.

Arriving Without A Gift or Offering

When you are showing up as a guest you should have already anticipated bringing the host a small gift, a bottle of wine or flowers perhaps.

Source: Adobe Stock

It’s the thought that counts, a small token of appreciation for being invited into their home.

Meddling With The Setup

Don’t walk into a party and start moving table placement cards around.

Source: Unsplash/Nani Williams

The host of the party puts a lot of time and energy into the planning of their dinner party. Don’t disrespect them by trying to seat yourself next to someone else, or so and so next to so and so. Don’t interfere with what they have arranged, it will make the party run smoothly and create less stress for the person throwing it.