Today we’ll discuss the oldest and most historic towns across all states of America. Each town interestingly has a diverse heritage that makes each of them pretty unique and in the following, we’re going to shed light on them for you.

Whether you’re a history buff or not, we can tell this read promises an enjoyable journey through time. So, keep scrolling-

Alabama: Mooresville

In today’s old-town hunt, Alabama’s Mooresville deserves special attention. Records say it started its journey as a town on November 16, 1818.

Source: Wikimedia/Carol M. Highsmith

Amazingly, at that time, Alabama was not even a state. The name “Mooresville” signifies its earliest settlers, William and Robert Moore.

Alaska: Wrangell

This 1861 town is located beside the Stikine River. Wrangell hosted an important gold rush in American history, which is known as the “Stikine Gold Rush.”

Source: Wikimedia/W. Smith

It also served as a critical point of three significant gold rushes in the Alaska region.

Arizona: Tucson

Tucson is the perfect town if you want to feel the Wild West. It was the capital of Arizona from 1867 to 1877.

Source: Wikimedia/Frank Kovalchek

The Southern Pacific railroad first reached this place in 1880 and started the flow of settlers from the south and north. This place was also the home of many Mexicans and Tohono O’odham Indians.

Arkansas: Georgetown

Source: Wikimedia/Warren LeMay

Georgetown of Arkansas is significant in U.S. history due to accommodating the first permanent settlers in the old USA. This 1718’s city’s name was not Georgetown before 1909. The Civil War battle of Whitney’s Lane took place near this locality.

California: San Diego

Source: Shutterstock/meunierd

This old city is considered the birthplace of human civilization on the Pacific Coast. Spanish settlers first visited this place in the 15th century. However, San Diego was the inhabitant of Kumeyaay Native Americans.

Colorado: San Luis

You will be fascinated to know that San Luis was the home of the Ute, Pueblo, Comanche, and Apache tribes.

Source: Flickr/Tim Stewart

Unfortunately, the first European permanent settlers drove them away from these tribal people’s 11,000-year-old living place. However, the modern San Luis was established in 1851.

Connecticut: Wethersfield

Source: Wikimedia/Daderot

Wethersfield was founded in 1634. It is considered one of the oldest towns in the USA. If you visit this small community, you may experience many discarded establishments of ancient shipbuilding companies, water-side trading posts, and many more.

Delaware: Lewes

Delaware’s Lewes is the region’s first permanent settlement of Dutch settlers. We find its name present in the 17th-century records.

Source: Facebook/Keller Williams Realty

This place is renowned for the Zwaanendael conflict of 1632 between the Dutch colonists and Lenape Indians. You can experience this historical event by visiting the town’s museums.

Florida: St. Augustine

This small city was established in 1565 by the European and African-American settlers. St. Augustine is still thriving with its past grolies.

Source: Shutterstock/EQRoy

This town’s public amenities are great. It features multiple outdoor fun activities and cultural exploration options for visitors.

Georgia: Savannah

Source: Shutterstock/Kim Lewis Photography

Savannah is the oldest known city established by following a well-crafted plan. This place was important for industrial activities and seaports in Old America. However, you can still get lost in its history by walking through its old squares, which are 22 in number.

Hawaii: Hilo

To elaborate on Hilo, it is better not to say old town but ancient town. It was founded in 1,100 AD and is still in active condition. It is a must-visit place for you in Hawaii.

Source: Library of Congress

Here, you can enjoy the enriched culture of the natives, natural buries, fishing, and more. Excited to visit?

Idaho: Emmett

Source: Library of Congress

Idaho’s Emmett has names like “Gem of Plenty” and “Mining Region Garden.” Its original name was Martinsville. It was transformed from a village to a city in 1900 by its 600 residents. You must visit it to experience its ever-widening trading space.

Illinois: Peoria

Even though Peoria’s history began in 1819, it received its town status in 1835. This place is considered an old settlement of American first settlers.

Source: Wikimedia/Robert Lawon

You will be amazed to know that this location is linked with the legacy of Abraham Lincoln. Here, he gave the Peoria Speech opposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act on October 16, 1854.

Indiana: Vincennes

Source: Wikimedia/Chris Light

French and British ruled Vincennes before the Revolutionary War of 1776 in America. This 1732 city is considered the oldest in the whole of Indiana.

Iowa: Dubuque

Source: Wikimedia/Dual Freq

The name of this town follows its founder, Julien Dubuque, a French-Canadian fur trader. He established Dubuque City in 1785. You can lose yourself in its history by visiting the Julien Dubuque monument, Art on the River, Shot Tower, and many more.

Kansas: Leavenworth

Source: Wikimedia/Rntwerner

First, Leavenworth hosts an active fort that is the oldest Military post in Washington. It is also titled as the “very first city of Kansas.” This 1827 location is a must-visit for you, hosting the first Christian church, sunset memory garden, and Chapel of the Veterans.

Kentucky: Harrodsburg

Source: Wikimedia/Sailko

James Harrod established this city in 1774. Its earlier name was “Harrod’s Town.” We are sure this oldest Kentucky city will fascinate you with its ancient stone-made fences and establishments.

Louisiana: Natchitoches

Source: Wikimedia/Renelibrary

Natchitoches is known as the earliest French settlement in the region. If you are an American history lover, we suggest you visit this place. This 17th-century town still accommodates old shops, churches, and even homes.

Maine: Kittery

Source: Wikimedia/AlexiusHoratius

It was named after its first settler, the British Kittery Court. This city was founded in 1647. Kittery still bears the legacy of the U.S. Navy’s father, John Paul Jones.

Maryland: St. Mary’s City

Source: Reddit

St. Mary’s City first received settlers in 1634. You must thank the city commission for effectively preserving its historic buildings. However, very few people live here, which allows you to enjoy peaceful nature.

Massachusetts: Plymouth

Source: Wikimedia/Rhonda McCloughan (Pr41799)

You will be fascinated to know that Plymouth is the place where the first voyage of the Mayflower arrived. This town preserves a rock named “Plymouth Rock” which symbolizes the first settlers’ foot-stepping on American soil.

Michigan: Sault Sainte-Marie

Source: Wikimedia/Chris857

Sault Sainte-Marie was established in 1668 by two French missionaries, Claude Dablon and Jacques Marquette. This city is known for its similarities with the old European cities with modern facilities.

Minnesota: Stillwater

Source: Waymarking

This old town in the USA is considered the birthplace of Minnesota. Stillwater was established in 1848. Its name originated from the calm water flow of the lake St. Croix.

Mississippi: Natchez

Natchez is considered the centre of the development of the old Southwest during 1800-1850. It received the “capital of Mississippi” status in 1817.

Source: Wikimedia/CapCase

You can see many establishments of those periods: St. Mary Basilica, First Presbyterian Church, Rosalie Mansion, and Historic Natchez Cemetery.

Missouri: Genevieve

Source: Wikimedia/Andrew Balet

Genevieve served as a French colony. It was founded in 1735 by French settlers. You can see many pre-American structures by visiting this place.

Montana: Stevensville

Source: Wikimedia/Raymond Hitchcock

Jesuit settlers established this Montana town. Its name, Stevensville, was given by President Lincoln in 1864. It hosts two ancient buildings: St. Mary’s Church and Fort Owen.

Nebraska: Bellevue

Source: Nebraskamuseums

The old town of Bellevue is known for fur trading during the first half of the 19th century. Experts say that it was established in 1822 and became a center point of several missionary activities.

Nevada: Genoa

Source: Wikimedia/Ralph H. Barrett

Genoa was founded in 1851. It was the first European settlement in Nevada. This town served as the refreshment station for stagecoaches that ran through the Emigrant Trail.

New Hampshire: Dover

Source: Shutterstock/edella

This small city is the 7th oldest settlement in the whole USA. During the end of the 17th century, Dovar was known as Gotham. This city will amaze you with a number of old cotton businesses.

New Jersey: Burlington

Source: Wikimedia/JERRYE and ROY KLOTZ, M.D.

It was the early capital of New Jersey. Burlington Township was commissioned in 1677 by the locals. You can visit the Roebling Museum and Pinelands to explore its history here.

New Mexico: Taos

Source: Wikimedia/Yul Bratcher

It is another ancient city in the USA. It was established in between 1000 and 1450 A.D. As per the historians, the founding father of this township was Taos Pueblo. You must add Taos to your bucket list to learn about ancient Mexico.

New York: Albany

Source: Wikimedia/Max Tiller

This industrial town is considered a pioneer in the development of America. This 1797 city is the authorized capital of New York. For your knowledge, Albany is the birthplace of not one, not two but four U.S. presidents.

North Carolina: Bath

Source: Shutterstock/LEE SNIDER PHOTO IMAGES

Bath was an important city in 18th-century America for its fur and tobacco trade. This town started its journey in 1707 with a shipyard. It also hosts the first public library in this region.

North Dakota: Pembina

Source: Res.cloudinary

We all know Pembina for the traditional Buffalo Hunt in the respective area. Historically, the origination of this city happened in 1816. It is considered the birthplace of the first school, first post office, and first church in North Dakota.

Ohio: Martins Ferry

Source: Flickr/Jon Dawson

This historic city will amaze you in many ways. First, Martins Ferry is the first settlement in Ohio. Second, it was established in 1785. Third, the name of this town follows the Ohio Ferry River.

Oklahoma: Vinita

Source: Wikimedia/Urbanative

Before 1898, the Cherokee Council governed this city. After the abolishment of this council, it was run by Arkansas laws. However, Vinita Clanton’s cafe is a must-visit place for you.

Oregon: Astoria

Source: Wikimedia/Ian Sane

Astoria is another of the oldest settlements in America. You will find its legacy intertwined with the famous Lewis and Clark Trail. John Jacob Astor built this city in 1811.

Pennsylvania: Bristol

Source: Bucks County

You might know Bristor for its role in the US Civil War and Revolutionary War. But there is more; this city was prominent in the USA during the 18th and 19th centuries for its textile industry.

Rhode Island: Providence

Source: Wikimedia/Will Hart

Providence is an important city in American history for its role in the Revolutionary War. This 17th-century city allows you to explore America’s ancient textile, jewelry, and silverware industries.

South Carolina: Charleston

Source: Shutterstock/f11photo

Charleston is considered a phenomenal U.S. city for contributing to the Civil War. The British ruled this city between 1780 and 1782. It was the slavery capital of the region.

South Dakota: Sioux Falls

Source: Wikimedia/Carol M. Highsmith

Sioux Falls is the oldest town on our list. As per the historians, this city started its journey in 500 B.C. You will really be surprised to know that several graves of that time still exist in the location.

Tennessee: Jonesborough

Source: Wikimedia/Sodei8971

Jonesborough is well-known for the founding place of the State of Franklin. Its legacy includes hosting the publishing house of the first abolitionist newspaper named “The Emancipator.”

Texas: Nacogdoches

Source: Wikimedia/Renelibrary

This old town in America is historically significant for its contribution to the Texas Revolution. Nacogdoches is the place where Mexicans and Texans engaged in armed conflict on August 02, 1832.

Utah: Ogden

Source: Wikimedia/Scott Catron

The legacies of Ogden will surely give you some charm. This city e was founded in 1846. It was the prime railroad hub during the end of the 1800s.

Vermont: Westminster

Source: Wikimedia Commons

We find this city’s name in the documents of 1735. It flourished after the arrival of European settlers in 1751. Westminster offers you the opportunity to explore many of the historical elements of those periods.

Virginia: Dumfries

Source: Wikimedia/Leonard J. DeFrancisci

It is sure that the modern Dumfries won’t give you a hint of its legacy in American history. This 1741 town served as a crucial port for tobacco transportation from the highland to the localities.

Washington: Steilacoom

Source: Wikimedia/Ben Cody

The present population of Steilacoom is just around 7K. It is always a less populated town. During its initiation, there were only 400 people, including native Indians. The U.S. Army used this place as their base in 1849.

West Virginia: Shepherdstown

Source: Wikimedia/Carol M. Highsmith

Shepherdstown’s legacy is intertwined with the invention of the first steamboat by James Rumsey. Experts say this official journey started in 1871 but was active from 1762 as a small town.

Wisconsin: Green Bay

Source: Wikimedia/Ken Lund

Its name was given by a French explorer named Jean Nicolet. He originates this name by observing the nearby greenish water disposition. Green Bay became highly active after 1655 for the associated fur trading activities.

Wyoming: Cheyenne

Source: Wikimedia/Vasiliymeshko

Cheyenne was the temporary capital of Wyoming. Even though settlers arrived in this place long ago, it received town status on May 07, 1867. Here, you can explore the legendary events of Cheyenne Frontier Days.