Tyson Foods poses as a fortress for immigrants as it keeps the recruitment of the group on the high side. Lately, this action has been frowned upon as one of the company’s notable investors pulled out his funds.

In what some label as the ‘woke liberal takeover of America,’ Tyson Foods is set to double the employment of asylum seekers. The aftermath of this will be the displacement of American workers across its large meat supply chain.

Bill Flaig Parts With Tyson Foods

The conservative fund manager, Bill Flaig has withdrawn his investments from Tyson Foods. He believes the food company has turned away its customers by laying off Americans and putting 42,000 immigrants in their place.

Source: ACVETFS / Toby Talbot

Bill Flaig has divested his stocks for Tyson Foods as he says he won’t partner with them anymore. The multimillion-dollar fund manager is the CEO and co-founder of the $79 million American Conservative Value Funds (ACVF).

Consumers Boycott Tyson Foods

By alienating its consumers, the large food corporation has sparked anger in many. Now, customers are keeping off Tyson Foods because they believe they aren’t recognized to start with.

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

The company isn’t only shuttering plants and firing workers. To many, it’s more despicable to substitute these native employees for immigrants. Like that isn’t enough, Tyson Foods is also hiring attorneys for its recruits.

Flaig’s Public Criticism

This purported bias preference of Tyson Foods has opened the company to several hits. As Flaig told the media, the decision ‘exposes their stakeholders to backlash from one of the most contentious political issues of the day.’

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

Further in his statement, he said he wasn’t sure if other institutional managers would follow boycotting Tyson. However, politically conservative investors are getting to know they can fight the woke liberal takeover of America with their investments.

Tyson Food Responds

In its defense, Tyson Foods relayed that the company isn’t cutting off Americans from its operations to hire migrants. Rather, it’s employing only immigrants with valid work permits.

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

Meanwhile, the $54 billion company based in Springdale, Arkansas, has not buttressed its stance. Most especially concerning the details of its current hiring and firing protocols.

Tyson Layoffs In Recent Months

Earlier last month, Tyson said it was shuttering its pork plant in Perry, Iowa. As a result, rendering 1,276 people jobless in a pretty sparse town of 8,000.

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

The mothball was the latest in a sequence of several closures in recent months. This includes its stores in States like Arkansas, Indiana, Virginia, and beyond. Many are asking questions and Tyson workers are eager to know what’s next.

Recruitment Of 42,000 Asylum Seekers

Despite the recruitment saga, Tyson is still meaning to employ 42,000 asylum workers. The process will include hiring through job fairs in cities like New York where many migrants end up.

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

In recent weeks, the food company has hired hordes of immigrants. This cut across asylum seekers from Mexico, Venezuela, and Columbia at a job fair in New York City.

Work At Tyson

Some recent recruits at Tyson travel to work at its poultry plant in Humboldt, Tennessee. The large meat supply chain already has a 120,000 US workforce. However, it’s trying to incorporate the immigrant subset.

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

Tyson offers its recruits $16.50 per hour. There are also other perks with the job including paid-for immigration lawyers to help oversee everything concerning work permits. 

Tyson Looking To Fill Vacancies

Meat-packing plants are usually undesirable places to work in, according to most people. Tyson says it has many vacancies to fill amid the country’s unemployment rate of 3.9 percent.

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

Tyson Foods has its ways of handling this employment challenge. One is liaising with the nonprofit, Tent Partnership for Refugees. This way, the company can hire thousands of immigrants.

Conservatives Encourage Non-Patronage Of Tyson Brands

Tyson Foods has several food brands including Jimmy Dean, Hillshire Farm, Ball Park, Wright, and Aidells. Conservatives have called for the boycott of Tyson and its affiliates due to the company’s perceived. unpatriotism. 

Source: Instagram/tysonfoods

According to Tom Carter, ACVF’s president and co-founder, Tyson had estranged American consumers. He said the backlash outweighs the potential economic benefit from cheap labor.

Effects Of The Boycott On Tyson

Per MarketWatch, Tyson’s stocks have plummeted when compared to other big firms since the conservative boycott. Safe to say the company is taking a fiscal jab already.

Source: Edgar H. Clemente

Tom Carter had previously said conservatives aren’t ready to give their hard-earned money to companies eagerly working to destroy their values. While making the statement, he encouraged consumers to do the same. 

Warning From A Conservative Action Group

A conservative action group, America First Legal has warned Tyson. The mob, launched by former Trump administration officials, told the company that it could be breaking the law.

Source: AP

According to their online post, “It is ILLEGAL under federal law to discriminate against American citizens based on their citizenship in favor of non-citizens of any kind when it comes to employment.”

Questions For Tyson CEO

In light of recent Tyson recruitment actions, the CEO Donnie King is placed on the hot seat. He has led the company since 2021 and has been linked to funding the campaigns of the likes of Joe Biden, and Nikki Haley, among others. 

Source: LinkedIn

The pressing boycott keeps raising a lot of tough questions for the CEO. Many deem it unfair and unconstitutional that asylum workers now have jobs upon entering U.S. soil. At that, displacing actual citizens from their income sources.

What Does Tyson Recruitment Focus Underscore?

The fear now is about asylum seekers gradually replacing Americans in some workforces. More so, the recruitment focus ignites more upheaval around migration across the US-Mexico border.

Source: John Moore

Records from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that between July and August 2023, there was a decrease of 1.2 million native-born people from the workforce. Without a doubt, this hints at a fundamental difference between Joe Biden’s immigration policies and Trump’s rigid border assertions.